Sunday, January 20, 2008


On Friday night the Septer and Provence group made our annual trip to the indoor moto-x races at the Calsonic Arena. The guys you see on TV are truly amazing , but a bunch of amateurs who think they should be on the pro circuit is far more entertaining to me. I know because I'm riding that roller coaster right now just a slower version.
We were going to ride Saturday but , with the temperature in the teens we thought better of it. So it was off to Erin's basketball game. Last year she was just one of the kids on the court but, Barry and I have been working with her and this year she is more aggressive and will shoot the ball when giving the chance. She did score the only 2 points for her team on this day. So where would they be if we wouldn't have worked with her?
After the game I went to the welding store in Woodbury Tn. to pick up a Tig welder. I will need this for a job I got coming up to weld shock bodies together for B&J racing. Pictured below is the happy salesman loading the welder for me in the bitter cold. He spent all morning trying to get the tractor started so by the time I got there he was a POPsicle.
There was no extra charge for any mice or dirtdobbers that may have made this their home while it was sitting in the showroom ( pictured in the back ).


At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy,he looks absolutly giddy! The Rick


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