ITSA future
Sorry about the delay , but I've been busy riding and trying to get my new welder up and running. Oh yah I had to go get a motorcycle on Sunday. I purchased a Suzuki jr 50 on ebay. I told Ryan that if he would learn to ride his bike without the training wheels that I would buy him a motorcycle. After we went to the moto-x a few weeks ago Jenny thought it was time to make the purchase. After waiding through a million choices I was told by the Guru that the JR 50 was the bike he used to train his son on. Now I drink alot, but if you ever seen Dustin ride you would do the same thing I did and go out and find a JR 50. Tuesday I findly got to start and ride it to see what was up. Soon after which Jenny and Ryan showed up to check out the new ride. He loved it , but he just wouln't have it until I put a number on it. Alright number on , lets ride. Well you have to practice a little. Three attempts and Three crashs , but thats OK because every time he was going to crash he bailed off that thing like a pro. So he already knows that Papa can buy another bike but not a new Ryan. The time he was on the bike he did well thuogh.
I've never been in the situation of trying to teach someone this young to ride before , but how cool is it to be able to ride with your kids and now with my Grandkids. I hope that Cassie and Erin want to ride to. This should be fun.
I look cool. Thanks for the motorcycle. Please give it back when you get it done. I like my motorcycle.
Looks good.
I talked to Ryan on the phone and congratulated him on his first crash. I asked if he thought Papa still crashes and he said "Yeaaaah". Then I asked if Uncle B still crashes and he says "Yeeeah, really hard". That boy is smart.
And I can't say much but "Dustin" is probably the name you're referencing in your blog...DOH!
Correction made ,thanks Barry.
I told you I drink alot.
Far out!Can I have one?And happy birthday,early.
The Rick
Far too damn cool. You're right, to be able to share a ride with your kids is monster, but with your grandkid? Priceless.
Go Ryan!
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