Saturday, January 06, 2007

Kawasaki sardines

I can't believe that there hasn't been a government study on this , so I conducted my own. How many Kawasaki's can you get on a 3 foot platform? Well the answer is 2.

With the wheel chock's in place I could load the mighty steeds on the platform to see if all my shade tree engineering would work. So far so good.


At 9:26 PM, Blogger Pee Wee said...

There is a reason there hasn't been a study, it's because the question hasn't been asked before about double stacking Kawasaki's. I mean, who else would want to besides you?

Looking good though.....

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Jessie Wallace said...

I’ve seen other technologically inferior attempts at constructing similar platforms. Obviously, they pale in comparison to this structural marvel. A highway escort will defiantly be necessary, at least until the unsuspecting populous gets acclimated to seeing the awe-inspiring combination of Caravan, Conveyance, and Carnivorous Cawasaki when in route to extended stays at trials venues around the globe. The Captain and his ship, Sweet!


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