Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The ride home

Well if you have looked at Caulkboys blog I'm sure you are wondering what this story is all about. Grab a beer and let me tell you all about it. We are coming home from Greeneville Sunday afternoon and we are talking about what went on at the Trials and what we could have done better and what not. Then I feel a vibration in the truck. When I looked in the mirror I see that a tire on the trailer has blown out. No big deal we are at an exit so we pull over take a leak and change the tire ( or tyre for you F1 fans ). We are back on the road in about 30 minutes. About 10 miles down the road I feel another vibration , the other trailer tire blows out. Shit!! Now what? I see a big open spot where I can get clear off the road and change the tire. Now I'm going to have to drop the trailer and go find someone to put a new one on bring it back put it on the trailer and head on home. Not so lucky , when I pulled over and got out to inspect the damage Barry notices that the truck tires are going flat also. We look and find a 3 inch gash in both of the right side tires. I didn't know what I run over but it took out all 3 tires on the right side.

Now we are in a pickle. 3 flats and one spare. What to do? I call my insurance company . They give me some numbers of towing company's. Sunday night at 7 .... no answer. We done this about 3 times before Barry said lets call the THP. I was not in favor of this since I've been drinking all day , but we were f#*%ed. So we give them a call and guess what , it takes 3 calls to get the right county since I didn't have a clue where we were at. I was glad to see the officer pull up.

So that leads to this picture. This is Trooper David Jones. This man was cool as hell. He got me a wrecker in about 20 minutes. He also messed with me like I mess with everybody I meet. I told him that I blew a tire and when I pulled over I run over a road sign that had been cut off , but they left the post sticking up about 4 inches out of the ground and when I pulled off the road I run over the post and took out both tires on the truck. Well the wrecker shows up and I tell the driver to take this thing to Smyrna cause there is no where open to get a tire changed. He said no problem. Now this guy weighs about 350 and his wife is with him and shes just about one bag of M&M's shy of her husband. We all pile into the cab and guess what happens to the 160 pound guy. Well I'm jambed in there like a sardine , but happy to be headed home. At one time I looked at the speedometer and we were going 85 mph. I'm thinking cool were going to get home faster than if I would be driving. Until we met up with THP PRICK. After getting a $200 ticket we were back on the road. Finally getting home the tow bill was $425 and the new tires came to $350 , but I won the trials after damn near killing my self doing a Superman down a hill. What a good week end. Thanks to Bob for stopping and checking on me.


At 9:09 PM, Blogger Caulkboy said...

Made for an interesting ride home. When I jumped up into the tow truck and got all snuggly with dude's wife, I looked over to my right and there was about 4 inches of seat left for the captain to sit on. Running 85 down I-40 in a high profile vehicle with a truck tied to it and a trailer whose wheels are hanging off the end of the flatbed, wedged into a tow truck wearing no seatbelt was pretty much my idea of safe.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Pee Wee said...

Jeez! I can't trust you guys on the return trip farther than an hour or so! Glad you saved some coin by taking the truck and trailer instead of the motorhome.....

At 12:06 AM, Blogger Jessie Wallace said...

Jeez, where were you guys when I went by? I must have been sleeping. No way I miss that twin headed green monster, perched on all those flat tires and even if I miss that, there's the motorcycles I should noticed. That's what I call a run of bad luck.

Four flat tires? And who was it that finished 2nd?

At 3:58 PM, Blogger cpt. Dick said...

Hey Pap ,I guess we were changing the first flat when you went by.

And you know what they say "nobody ever remembers who came in second"

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mom.


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