Monday, April 03, 2006

Real toys

I was worried about the grandkids coming to the trials an not having too much fun and worrying their parents to death. You know you can only get so excited about watching Grandpa coming around every hour or forty five minutes , ride through a section for a minute or minute and a half and then ride out of site. I was pleased to see that these Three went back to the time when you had to make your own fun and sometimes your own toys. I'm going on 50 years old and I can remember having a cheese breakfast finding a log to walk on or a creek to play in or just a

good old stick and rock. These Three still like the video games and the TV but it still does my heart good to see kids being kids , getting dirty or wet , picking up a frog or bug and not getting rushed to the emergency room to get there hand sanitized or put in a plastic bubble for a couple of days to keep them from getting germs or cooties. Just so you will know all of these kids had a dog in the house from the day they were born and to my knowlege have no abnormalities because of it. Let kids be kids and they will grow up to be just fine , Hell I almost did.


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Pee Wee said...

Hey, that's right! You almost did grow up just fine.
Good blog, they seemed to have a great time at the ranch.

At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to admit that these kids come from great stock! Just proves that selective breeding works. Growing up in the country also helps. You can get up close and personal with all kinds of critters.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger cpt. Dick said...

I've never heard of someone dying from picking their nose.

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Caulkboy said...

C'mon, I didn't grow this huge gut by running around outside and sweating. You have to work on one of these with hours upon hours of x-box and air conditioning. Not to mention the pizza & beer. Jeez, get a grip folks.

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got it right ,Bro.How many times did we fall in a crick or out of a tree?Oops maybe I should have left that part out.


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