Today the boy's and I took a day off to play golf. Now it might look like we are in Iowa , but we were at Champions Run in Rockvale Tn. It was a good time , but the wind was blowing about 25 or 30 mph. The scores are not important , but the video tells it all. Can't wait to go back.
Last weekend Trent Park was nice enough to invite us out to his place to do some riding. You could tell that we have all been sitting around waiting for the weather to break. Well when you do that the rust sits in to. Here the Guru navigates a uphill corner as only he can do.
Jesco makes an off camber corner his bitch as Bob and Malcolm take notes. When Barry tried this corner the spectator's were sent running for their lives.
This ditch was no problem for Caulkboy. All in all a great day a good work out and some good food by Trent's wife. Thanks to the Park family for the good time. For those of you who get video's here is a 2 minute clip of Dustin ( Hockey Boy ) Ginder showing us how it's done. He is so much fun to watch and a good dude.