It's that time of year. That's right ...Soccer time. Here we see Ryan on a break away that he would score on. He had 2 other chances at goals but pulled up a little short. Great job Ryan.

anything and everything is possible here
It's that time of year. That's right ...Soccer time. Here we see Ryan on a break away that he would score on. He had 2 other chances at goals but pulled up a little short. Great job Ryan.
Well if you have looked at Caulkboys blog I'm sure you are wondering what this story is all about. Grab a beer and let me tell you all about it. We are coming home from Greeneville Sunday afternoon and we are talking about what went on at the Trials and what we could have done better and what not. Then I feel a vibration in the truck. When I looked in the mirror I see that a tire on the trailer has blown out. No big deal we are at an exit so we pull over take a leak and change the tire ( or tyre for you F1 fans ). We are back on the road in about 30 minutes. About 10 miles down the road I feel another vibration , the other trailer tire blows out. Shit!! Now what? I see a big open spot where I can get clear off the road and change the tire.
Starting from the beginning. When you go to a Trial in the rugged woods with terrain that you can barely walk on you have to find a spot some what level to set up your tent. We thought that this spot next to the tennis court would be the ticket.
Here's the latest golf scores for you to look at until we get back from Greeneville Tn. We played pretty good considering it was 110 degrees. We didn't have any crazy par's or funny off the tree in the hole par's. It was just a good old golf game.
This Sunday will not only mark the First Trails for the I.T.S.A. group at Geeneville Tn. , it will be the maiden voyage of Barry . Barry has practiced hard and I think is ready for the task at hand. We will be going to Greeneville Friday night so we can help setup Saturday. When you make a effort to help in laying out the Trial you tend to have a lot more fun because you have had a hand in what you have to ride.